Business owners, chief executives and CFOs are expert in running their businesses but often find risk management and insurance to be confusing and frustrating. Insurance costs can be hard to understand and the strategies to mitigate those costs and select appropriate coverage difficult to choose. MBI Company Group offers consulting services on a fee for service basis as an option to clients who prefer a relationship to guide the decision process.. If we provide consulting services we cannot provide service as your producer or agent..
MBI Company Group consultants work with businesses large and small in the following areas:
MBI insurance consultants carefully analyze your risk, benchmark your business, help choose the best insurance provider, and can work with your broker to protect your bottom line.
Starting with an insurance plan review you can quickly learn where you can experience insurance cost savings. You will also find out where your business may be exposed to risks or insufficiently covered for those risks which could jeopardize your business or more. Our insurance consulting specialists know where to look for insurance cost savings, and have the expertise to determine the best solutions for your specific needs. They will help you cut through the arcane language and structure of the insurance industry so you are secure in knowing your coverage and cost is in line with best practice today.
Contact us today for a consultation or to learn more about how our insurance consulting services can help you.